Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Facebook Messenger Basketball Game

Facebook Messenger Basketball Game

Facebook Messenger Basketball Game

Facebook  Messenger games or Facebook Hidden Games become available now.
Yes, today you can play awesome game with your friends via Facebook Messenger chat.

All what you will  need to play Facebook messenger games is  :

-          Being Ensure that you have the latest updated Facebook messenger ." if you are Android user go to Google Play, search  the messenger Application, Now click update. If you're an IOS user go to APP Store, choose updates then look for messenger  and update it. If you have another device, Go to any Sportive Club- preferred the nearest one- and play with the best friend-if you have- and don't be upset as Android & IOS users will loose time but you will loose weight J ."

-          Being ensure that you are hiding from your Boss if you are in Work. and away from your parents if you have exams J.

-          Well Charging  of your lovely smart phone.

Now, Let's Play the most amazing Facebook messenger game it is The Basketball Facebook messenger game that allows you plays basketball with a friend within Facebook messenger chat. all what you will do is Just sending your friend  a basketball emoji " can be found in Keyboard emoji".
Then By clicking this Basketball emoji will launch that interested Facebook hidden game. Now, Both you and your friend can play Basketball within  Facebook Messenger chat window.

the high scores will be appeared in the new feeds of messages between you and your friend.

   Cheat Facebook Messenger's hidden basketball game

If your friend is better than you in game play  like my friends L ,  you have not to be worry my  dear as you follow my Blogger and I have to make you always Win J  Just follow the next Words..
Sure You can simply cheat Facebook Messenger's hidden basketball game By Using just a Ruler ….yes only an ordinary ruler or any rectangular or square shaped  object enable you to beat your friend in Facebook Messenger basketball game So, you haven't to know hacking  or any strange codes to cheat  . All what you  have to do is asking your young brother or sister to give you his (her) ruler – Don't forget to have a piece of  chocolate just in case of they mind -  Now, place the ruler in a flat way on the screen of your lovely smart phone Device  then make the ruler angled from the ball to the basket which is the target .Now, swipe the ball away to make high scores than your friend who have not ruler  "or young brother "J

This way for Cheat Facebook Messenger's hidden basketball game is  very clear in the next video. See and enjoy.

By the way there is also another famous Facebook hidden object game. It is an old one but, it has fans. It is Facebook's hidden chess game which you can start play it by typing "@fbchess play"  in chat window then the game is now started as the chess board appeared in the chat window and if you want to make a play or do anything else you have to type some codes as illustrated below L :
Start game with random colors: @fbchess play
  Pick the colors: @fbchess play white/black
  Pick the opponent: @fbchess play white John
Make a move: use Standard Algebraic Notation
  @fbchess e4 or @fbchess Pe4 moves pawn to e4
  Nbd2 to move knight from b-file to d2
  B2xc5 to take on c5 with 2nd rank bishop
  e8=Q to promote pawn to queen
  0-0-0 or O-O to castle
Claim draw (e.g. 3-fold repetition): @fbchess draw claim
Offer a draw in the current position: @fbchess draw offer
Offer an undo of the last move: @fbchess undo
Resign: @fbchess resign
Show current position: @fbchess show
Show stats between current players: @fbchess stats
Show latest game PGN: @fbchess pgn
Show all game PGNs: @fbchess pgns
Continue a game from another conversation: @fbchess continue
  From 1:1 conversation, @fbchess continue with [friend]

  From group chat, @fbchess continue from [thread name]

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